"Delve into the soulful narrative of 'Zoe Wees: Learning To Love Myself,' a short documentary directed by Greg Kotler. This intimate portrait unfolds the remarkable journey of Zoe Wees, a singer who skyrocketed to global fame within a year, ignited by her debut single, 'Control.' The film takes us through her poignant childhood, marked by a diagnosis of a brain disease and the subsequent battles with depression. Witness how music becomes her beacon, guiding her toward newfound meaning in life. Now, on the brink of embarking on her first American tour, the documentary captures the culmination of Zoe's dreams. Told through the perspectives of her collaborators and mentors, including Patrick Salmy and Marvin A. Smith, this short docu paints a compelling picture of resilience, transformation, and the redemptive power of music.

Zoe Wees Learning To Love Myself


Film by Greg Kotler 

DOP: Jens Schwengel 

AC: Dung Nguyen 

Production: Marcus Rinas -Take a seed- 

Colour & Animation: Greg Kotler 

Sound Design: Asaf Senderowicz 

Creative: Kira Karlstrom & Johnny Nghiem 

Hairstyling: Awa Kaloga 

Part of Youtube’s Artist on the rise Series